Giving up the baby to begin singing
Face into the cake
Cleaning off the frosting
Leo and Mrs. Jaurez
Mario pinata remnants
Coincidentally the circus is in town this week as well, starting yesterday. Following cake and a few presents the neighbors, Fife, and I took Kevin over to the local circus to conclude a fun-filled evening. A few clown acts, a small girl on the trapeze, a dancing Sponge-bob, and a magic act made up the majority of the show. I wanted to add a quick thank-you to all my Jersey friends who came out to dinner in New York when I was home; this Journey post title is for you…. I love making fun of stereotypes.
Cake, tostada, and pasteles
Handing out 'surprise' goody bags to the kids
More party treats
I am now off to bake carrot cakes with students from the Chibulbut school. My site-mate Kamille set up a garden at the school (School Garden) and we are using what they have grown . Post to come soon.
Unitl next time- Faithfully,
Evan Luigi James